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Pastor Glenn McDonald: The Opportune Moment

George Fritsma


How can we know if we’re making wise decisions and heading down the best possible path?


A nautical term gives us an excellent shot at getting things right. 


The Latin word portus means harbor, port, or place of refuge. When the prefix ob (“towards”) is placed in front of portus, we get a word that means “going towards a safe place.”


That word is opportunity. Good guidance may be defined as acting confidently at the opportune moment. 


Historically, bringing a boat into a particular harbor is not always simple or easy. Hidden rocks or shoals can tear a hull to pieces. Lighthouses and foghorns play a crucial role in providing safe passage. So do smaller lights that indicate hidden hazards.


Sea captains must memorize the “codes” of particular ports. When the lights align, the way forward is clear. Only then is it safe to head toward harbor.


So what are the “lights” that need to align in our own processes of personal and corporate discernment?


Scripture. What does the Word say? In the Judeo-Christian tradition, there is no other starting place. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and is useful to teach us what is true, and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives” (2 Timothy 3:16).


Christians openly acknowledge that holy books from around the world contain vital inspiration and truth. But followers of Jesus have concluded that both Old and New Testaments present a unique level of specificity about spiritual realities. If over the next week God seems generally silent concerning the questions and decisions we have to face, it’s reassuring to know that he has already addressed at least 95% of our daily concerns in Scripture.


Circumstances. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isaiah 30:21).


More often than not, that “voice” we hear is aligned with opening and closing doors. Is a new pathway presenting itself? Is the way becoming clear? Those may be compelling prompters to go forward. On the other hand, is the tide running away from the shore? That’s circumstantial evidence that it’s time to wait.


Significant others. What are we hearing from the people who know us best, and who have our best interests at heart? Choose to listen carefully to family members, friends, mentors, and colleagues.


In his book Hearing God, the late author and philosopher Dallas Willard suggests that when we need to hear a specific word from God, most of the time we will hear it from another person. 


Homework. There’s a cartoon in which two men, dressed in rags and half crazed from thirst, happen upon a table in the middle of the desert. Four individuals in lab coats are sitting there. “We’re saved!” exclaims one of the men. “It’s a panel of experts!” 


We must not make the all-too-common Western mistake of listening only to those with multiple letters behind their names. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t consider (and weigh carefully) the insights and information available from those who have wrestled with crucial questions before us.


Intuition. What is your gut telling you? Very often our “knower” already knows the right path to take. We simply need to acknowledge it.


More often than not, seeking guidance may seem exasperating. Why doesn’t God just post his instructions to us every morning on one of the streaming services? His real target is our hearts. God yearns to transform us into people who, at a heartfelt level, want to want what he wants. 


Ask. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).


Willard suggests setting aside a specific period of time, perhaps a week. Then choose to pray: “Lord, I’m listening. I truly want you to guide me. Speak to me during the next seven days through whatever means you think best: perhaps a book that I’m reading, a conversation, a magazine article, or a speaker that I hear.” Give the Holy Spirit space to work, and pay attention to what happens next.


Your own voice. Willard also makes the extraordinary observation that sometimes the word of guidance we most need comes from our own lips. 


We might be sharing tacos with a friend when we suddenly make a statement, seemingly out of the blue, that shines light on a vexing issue we didn’t even seem to be thinking about. More often than we might imagine, the person who learns and grows the most during a counseling session is the counselor.


Those are a few of the more notable “harbor lights.”


Are they coming into alignment as you wrestle with an important decision?


Search the Word. Listen to others. Do your homework. Consider the circumstances. Earnestly pray. Speak aloud what you already know.


When the lights line up, you’ve arrived at an opportune moment.


Then it’s full speed ahead.




Everyone is welcome as we respond to God's love and mercy through worship, service and fellowship.




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Trussville, AL  35173

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